We are pleased to launch our new support service at the Redeemer Family Resource Centre in Dundalk. This service will provide free, professional counselling to individuals who are self-harming, experiencing suicidal thoughts, or grieving the loss of someone to suicide.
This expansion of services by Pieta in Louth is a critical step in our mission to provide accessible, in-person support to those in crisis in Dundalk and the surrounding area.
In 2023, Pieta offered the region 478 hours of phone counselling for individuals self-harming or experiencing suicidal thoughts, along with an additional 202 hours dedicated to suicide bereavement support. We also actively engaged with over 4,500 students in Louth through our Resilience Academy and Amber Flag initiatives, helping students build resilience and encouraging positive mental health practices in the community.
Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler, attended the launch and said: "I’m delighted to be here today to help open this essential service in Dundalk. Pieta does such important work, and this expansion will provide much-needed support to people in crisis in Dundalk and the wider Louth area. Suicide prevention and mental health care are so important, and having free, professional counselling available locally makes a real difference.
“This new service is a reflection of Pieta’s incredible commitment to helping people, and I want to thank the staff and everyone involved for their dedication to supporting mental health in our communities."
At Pieta, we are dedicated to preventing suicide and self-harm and believe these issues must be a national priority. The new service in Dundalk expands the support we have provided in the area for years, underscoring our commitment to addressing the ongoing needs of individuals in crisis across the country. Suicide continues to be the leading cause of death for 15-34 year-olds in Ireland, and almost 500 people die by suicide each year.
Stephanie Manahan, Chief Executive Officer of Pieta said of the opening: "We’re so pleased to be opening this new service in Dundalk, expanding our supports to reach even more people in Louth. Over the years, we’ve already been able to make a considerable difference here, but the need for suicide and self-harm prevention services is still very high. This new service will allow us to provide vital support to even more people who need it. Making suicide and self-harm prevention a priority in every community across Ireland is so important, as everyone deserves access to help when they’re struggling.
"I also want to thank Minister Mary Butler TD and the Cathaoirleach of Dundalk Municipal District, Councillor Sean Kelly, for being here today. I’d like to express our gratitude to the Redeemer Centre for giving us a home and offer my heartfelt thanks to all of Pieta’s amazing Darkness Into Light volunteers and the wider Louth community. Your incredible efforts make all of this possible, and as a charity that relies on your support, we simply couldn’t do it without you."
The success of Pieta’s services relies on the generosity of the public, with over 80% of our funding coming from community donations and fundraising events like Darkness Into Light. The support from the people of Dundalk and the wider community is vital in keeping these services free and accessible.
If you are thinking of self-harming, suicide, or have lost someone to suicide, you can get support from Pieta now.
For media enquiries and photography please contact: Ciara O’Connor, Legacy Communications – ciara@legacycommunications.com or Matthew Oakes, Pieta, - matthew.oakes@pieta.ie
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