If you are in a medical emergency, call 112 or 999 now.

What is Our Suicide Bereavement Liaison Service?

The Suicide Bereavement Liaison (SBL) Service offers guidance, practical information, and emotional support to anyone affected in the immediate aftermath of a death by suicide.

The SBL Officer (SBLO) can meet with anyone who has been impacted by suicide. Pieta offers up to 10 sessions.

  • The SBLO can meet with a person/family in their own home or a neutral place of choice. The team can assist in providing practical and emotional support.

  • The team can provide guidance and assistance in accessing other therapeutic services or even talk about what has happened.  

You may have specific questions about some of the difficult practical issues following a death by suicide. In some cases, there may be a specific concern about the reactions and emotions of family members, friends, colleagues, or the wider community. 

  • The SBLO also provides support to parents to help support children during this difficult time.  The service additionally provides information and support around the time of an inquest/coroner’s court.  

No matter your relationship with the person you lost, the service is available for you. A suicide bereavement information support pack will be available to you through your SBL Officer.

Key Contacts

RoleNameContact EmailWorking Days
National CoordinatorCarmel Crowesblo.referrals@pieta.ieMon-Fri, 9am-5pm
Deputy National CoordinatorGreta Skeberdytesblo.referrals@pieta.ieMon-Fri, 9am-5pm

The SBLO Service is available in:

AreaNameWorking Days
Carlow / Wexford / Waterford / Kilkenny / South TippVacancy FilledWed, Thurs, Fri: 9am - 5pm
Cavan / MonaghanMaria McBrienMon, Tue, Wed: 9am - 5pm
Clare / Limerick / North TippEva ReddyWed, Thurs, Fri: 9am - 5pm
Cork / KerryJolanda HelderMon, Tue, Wed: 9am - 5pm
Donegal / Sligo / LeitrimMairead MillmoreMon, Tue, Wed, Thurs: 9am - 5pm
Dublin South East /Dun Laoghaire / East WicklowDenis SherlockMon, Tue, Wed: 9am - 5pm
Dublin NorthDylan KehoeWed, Thurs, Fri: 9am - 5pm
Dublin NorthMarian KingWed, Thurs, Fri: 9am - 5pm
Dublin South City, Dublin South West, Dublin West, Kildare and West WicklowKarolina SzafarzMon, Tue, Thurs: 9am - 5pm
GalwayPauline CahillaneWed: 9am - 5pm
GalwayVacancyWeds, Thurs, Fri
Louth / MeathMichelle SodenMon, Tue, Wed: 9am - 5pm
MidlandsMon, Wed, Thurs: 9am - 5pm

You can access the service by contacting your local SBLO by telephone, email, contacting our centres, or your local Resource Officer for Suicide Prevention (HSE). In addition, first responders such as members of the Gardai, Clergy, GPs or funeral directors are also actively encouraged to refer people to this service with your permission. 


Other SBLO Services

In Roscommon and Mayo the SBLO service is not provided by Pieta but can be accessed as follows:


Suicide Bereavement Liason Officer, Tiffany Walsh

085 740 7856 / 090 662 5898 / 071 966 3000

Email: info@vitahouse.org

Website: www.vitahouse.org


Suicide Bereavement Liason Officer, Fiona Thomas

087 217 2866 / 094 902 5900

Email: info@thefamilycentre.com

Website: www.thefamilycentre.com

Some Help & Advice

We have collected the most frequently asked questions that people have asked regarding Pieta and its services. If you are new to our services or our website, we encourage you to have a look through them. Thank you.